Resilience is a quality we all have within us. We can take that resilience and make it work for us and strengthen ourselves if we choose.
Resilience is a tenacity of spirit; a determination to deal with adversity in our lives. I know it doesn't feel like it at the time we are trying to handle one of life's stressful or sad times, but the courage and patience that we find inside ourselves as we process hardships can help us come out on the other side of it a better person.
A better person, you ask? How can that be?
Adversity can sometimes make us better people in terms of gaining new insight about life and about yourself. A better person in terms of coping and reordering our priorities. And a better person in terms of appreciating and loving life even more than we did before because we know how it can change up in a snap.
The good times sparkle even brighter after those challenging times, don't they?
Of course, I am not wishing adversity on anyone. I don't have to because life hands it to us all on its' own. I know this from my own experiences and those of my family and my dear friends.
Accepting and even anticipating change helps us maintain flexibility about life and all that come rolling our way.
Remain calm. Remain peaceful. Remain hopeful.